Saturday, September 7, 2024

10 Things About Pana Hap & Junior Achievement of San Diego County


“Make every effort to change the things you do not like. If you cannot make a change, change the way you have been thinking. You might find a new solution.”
– Maya Angelou

Junior Achievement (JA) of San Diego County inspires and prepares young people to succeed in a global economy. JA San Diego delivers experiential learning programs to over 30,000 students with the support of over 4,000 volunteers annually. JA programs enable students to make connections between what they learn in school and real-world applications equipping them with the knowledge and tools for economic empowerment and self-sufficiency. Pana Hap serves as the Associate Vice President of Programs & Policy for Junior Achievement.

Pana Hap

#1 I was born and raised in San Diego. I spent most of my early years in culturally vibrant City Heights and I now reside in Talmadge just minutes from my childhood home.


#2 Ms. Fern Jones – my 7th grade English and Social Studies teacher – dedicated immense patience and care into helping me increase my reading level from that of a 3rd grader to beyond my grade level. Thank you, Ms. Jones.


#3 I have hypermobility in all of my finger joints.


#4 I love to travel, and my favorite destination thus far would be Barcelona. I would like to visit Portugal, Nepal, and the Scandinavian region in the next few years. A bucket list for me would be to visit all of the national parks in the United States.


#5 Yoga and going camping are my go-to activities to decompress.

two tabby cats Jasper and Bella

#6 I have two tabby cats – Jasper and Bella. Their names are unrelated to the “Twilight” series.

#7 Favorite Books: The Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns, The Good Earth, and Bless Me, Ultima. My favorite movie is one from my childhood and based off a novel – “The NeverEnding Story.”


#8 It is important to give back to our community because each of us plays a critical role in helping nurture the next generation and building spaces, physical and otherwise, better than before for our youth to thrive. It is our responsibility.


#9 My journey to Junior Achievement was made through connections and strengthened by its commitment to empower young people, many of whom resemble my younger self, to achieve economic success and resilience. I choose to align myself with this cause because numerous youths possess great potential and talents, yet often times require help with accessing the opportunities.


#10 All proceeds from the “Golf Classic” support JA San Diego’s programs including the McGrath Family JA BizTown, Mission Fed JA Finance Park, and JA Fellows in which students build financial literacy, work-readiness, and entrepreneurship skills.

Junior Achievement of San Diego County EVENT

Junior Achievement of San Diego County
11th Annual JA Golf Classic Tournament
Monday, June 3, 2024
Fairbanks Ranch Country Club

Lori Walton
Lori Walton
My love and appreciation for nonprofit work began in college when I was selected to represent UCLA’s undergraduate service organization. As a student, I didn’t have a lot of money to donate but I quickly learned that I could make an impact by giving my time. All you have to do to make a difference in someone’s life is care. For the last 30 years, San Diego has been my home. During this time, I have served on over 17 boards and chaired 27 fundraisers. No matter how much work I do with nonprofits, I am always amazed at the number of awesome causes and dedicated supporters out there. San Diego definitely has the best weather in the world but what makes San Diego America’s finest city are the people. I feel incredibly lucky and blessed to live in a city that has so many kind and selfless souls who genuinely care about making our community a better place for everyone. As Giving Back Magazine’s Philanthropy Editor, each week, I feature a hero and the causes that are creating a positive difference in our world. Always remember that philanthropy is about more than giving money, it’s about caring enough to help others who are in pain. So, go out there and make every moment count!

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