Resounding Joy Celebrates 20 Years: Honoring Leadership Transitions and Community Impact

Kent haythorn brenda and carlos lemas with kevin maddox

Resounding Joy celebrated their 20th Anniversary with a Benefit Event at a private home in Point Loma. Resounding Joy has been making music and spreading joy for 20 years and they wanted to celebrate with everyone who has benefited from their music therapy services. The event honored the retirement of Dr. Barbara Reuer, CEO and Founder of Resounding Joy and the appointment of Kerri Fox as the new CEO. Barbara has spent a lifetime helping to establish and build the music therapy community in San Diego and Kerri seeks to continue the momentum.

Resounding Joy celebró su 20° aniversario con un evento a beneficio realizado en una residencia privada de Point Loma. Resounding Joy viene difundiendo la música y la alegría desde hace 20 años y quieren festejar este importante momento con todas las personas a las que han tenido llegada con sus servicios de terapia musical. La ocasión también quiso homenajear a la Dra. Barbara Reuer, fundadora de Resounding Joy, quien se retira y da lugar a la nueva CEO, Kerri Fox. Barbara ha dedicado su vida a instalar y construir la musicoterapia como elemento sanador en la comunidad de San Diego y Kerri busca continuar con el legado.

Gallery of Resounding Joy celebrated their 20th Anniversary

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Esteban Villanueva