San Diego Air & Space Museum Hosts Charity Golf Tournament

Lance lareau tyler crisci chuck niskey and fred galloway

Golf enthusiasts swung into orbit for a great cause at the San Diego Air & Space Museum Charity Golf Tournament. Supporters joined for a day of golf, camaraderie, and giving back to the community. The day rewarded participants with friendly competition, skillful swings with fellow aviation enthusiasts and philanthropists, all while supporting the museum’s educational and outreach initiatives.

Entusiastas del golf realizaron “swings” a favor de una gran causa durante el torneo de golf a beneficio del San Diego Air & Space Museum Tournament. Los presentes compartieron un día de golf, camaradería y solidaridad durante una amistosa competencia con la presencia de habilidosos entusiastas de la aviación y solidarios personajes, destinando sus esfuerzos a colaborar con las iniciativas de divulgación y educación del museo.


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Esteban Villanueva