Saint Teresa of Calcutta Villa

Bill bolstad auxiliary bishop john dolan and deacon jim vargas

After two years of development and construction, Deacon Jim Vargas welcomed donors, public officials and local dignitaries to join Father Joe’s Villages’ unveiling of its largest and newest affordable housing community, Saint Teresa of Calcutta Villa with an amazing grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony. Guests had the opportunity to tour the villa and see apartment units following the ribbon-cutting ceremony. During the event, the Father Joe Carroll Memorial Promenade was also shared with guests and they all shared fond memories of the organization’s founder.

Luego de dos años de desarrollos y construcciones, el diácono Jim Vargas dio la bienvenida a donantes, funcionarios públicos y dignatarios locales al acto inaugural de la más grande y nueva vivienda comunitaria de Father Joe’s Villages, la villa Santa Teresa de Calcuta. Los invitados tuvieron la oportunidad de recorrer la villa y ver las unidades de departamentos. Durante el evento, el Father Joe Carroll Memorial Promenade fue compartido con los presentes, pudiendo revivir cálidos recuerdos del fundador de la organización.

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Esteban Villanueva