10 Things About Maryanne C. Sefton & Walden Family Services


“Nothing is truly impossible”

For 45 years, Walden Family Services has been a leader in providing specialized foster care, adoption, and youth services. Walden is the referral agency of choice for challenging placements including, large sibling groups and children who are neurodiverse, have emotional and behavioral challenges, and special health care needs. 20 years ago, Former Board Member & Board Chair, Maryanne C. Sefton learned about the miracles that happen in Foster which is why Walden Family is where her time, money and dedication exists and always will.

10 Things About Maryanne C. Sefton & Walden Family Services


#1 I loved my childhood and cherish every moment I can get reminiscing about it with my 100-year-old mom.

#2 I am happily living part time near the ocean in Del Mar.


#3 I would love to learn and master cross country skiing. I am not a downhill skier due to my health and fear of heights.


#4 I love flowers and the peace that comes from pruning and enjoying my rose trees.


#5 My heart hurts to hear how bad children can be to one another, and I believe most of this behavior starts at home. The “mean police” needs to be active and able to stop this child and adult cruelty. Mental health is a quiet killer of mind, spirit and eventually body.


#6 I am “Grammy” to 3 grand puppies that I love and adore.


#7 My heart and head could not understand how a 2-year-old boy could be in foster care, moving from home to home. I was committed to getting this little boy out of the “system” and back into the hearts of a “safe family haven” – one home. It was worth the love, time and dedication to help make this little one’s life a safer place until his mom came back.


#8 Walden carefully and thoughtfully places children with compassionate foster families who regularly receive ongoing training and support to help children in their care heal and thrive.


#9 If not for Walden Family Services, Daniela would have been completely alone when she aged out of foster care. “I can’t imagine what would’ve happened to me had I not gotten into Walden’s Transitional Housing Program. My biggest fear was ending up homeless. I got so lucky getting into Walden’s housing program. Not only did they give me a safe place to live, but they were also a huge support while I was in school.” Daniela earned her undergraduate degree at Cal Poly Pomona and went on to earn her Master’s in Social Work at Cal State Long Beach.

#10 Each year, funds raised from Wine D’Vine provides unrestricted funding so that we can continue to serve children, youth and families with foster care, adoption and transitional housing programs and services.


Walden Family Services Wine D’Vine
Friday, October 8, 2021
6:00 – 10:00 PM
Historic Pacific Beach estate of renowned landscape architect Kate Sessions

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Esteban Villanueva