10 Things About Jaime Carrillo & Champions for Health

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“It is imperative that we maintain hope even when the harshness of reality may suggest the opposite.”


Champions For Health (CFH) addresses the unanswered healthcare needs of low-income and uninsured San Diego County residents. Champions for Health mobilizes a network of 500+ physicians, 10 hospitals, 8 outpatient surgery centers, partners who donate consultations, procedures and surgeries totaling $25.1 million in pro bono services since 2008. As the Planning & Strategy Consultant for Champions for Health, Jaime Carrillo is dedicated to improving community health and wellness, access to care for all, and support for physicians through engaged volunteerism.


10 Things About Jaime Carrillo & Champions for Health



#1 What I love about Pauma Valley where I grew up is that it is one of San Diego County’s agricultural regions, and a hidden economic driver and gem.


#2 San Diego is the only place where I choose to live because of my beautiful baby niece.


#3 One of my early mentors always said, “use the daylight hours!” and that works for me since I am a morning person.


#4 Most people do not know that I bit through half my tongue when I was 3 years old. I am thankful for modern medicine in the 80s as they were able to literally glue it back.


#5 Mastering the traditional family recipes that my grandmother and mother make such as tamales duros (hard tamal cakes), longaniza (a delicious dry sausage), and dulces de Calabaza (squash candy) is the skill that is most cherished to me.




#6 My two fur kids are Annabelle my cat, and Barney, my dog. They are my pandemic companions, otherwise I might go stir crazy!


#7 Visiting my community garden beds which are located at the Lemon Grove Community Garden and the Mt. Hope Community Garden, brings me great joy and better health.


#8 I would like to see everyone treat each other with kindness because kindness is something we could all give to each other right now.


#9 Noel suffered almost 2 years from his hernia condition, “I was in unimaginable pain.” He expressed concerns about having the surgery with the COVID-19 pandemic. Evelyn, his Care Manager, acknowledged how Noel was feeling and told him it was normal for him to feel worried. He used breathing techniques and tried yoga. Dr. Adam Fierer answered all his questions, so Noel felt better prepared for surgery, “Project Access and my surgery has changed my life. I am very happy and grateful.”


#10 Champions Soiree raises funds for Project Access San Diego which provides a full range of pro bono specialty health care at no cost to uninsured individuals. CFH Care Managers transform people’s lives from pain and dire medical diagnoses to health, renewed family involvement and productive lives.



Champions For Health
Champions Soiree
Saturday July 10, 2021
6-9 pm
Birch Aquarium
www.championssoiree.org [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

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Esteban Villanueva