10 Things About Tammy Hershfield
and Computers 2 Kids San Diego

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I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou

Computers 2 Kids San Diego (C2K) believes all children and their families, regardless of their economic status, need to be computer literate and have equal access to technology. C2K recycles and refurbishes used computers for families in need and provides education, training and technical support to help students achieve success. 28% of families in San Diego County do not have a computer in their home. Each year, Computers 2 Kids San Diego, places between 10,000 – 26,000 computers in the homes of low-income families and works with Cox to provide discounted Internet services.

With the COVID-19 Pandemic, students (K-12 and university level) are trying to complete their education from home, many without access to a computer. Since the school closures on March 16th, Tammy Hershfield, co-founder of Computers 2 Kids San Diego, has received thousands of applications from families seeking a computer for their child as well as requests from colleges and universities for computers for their students. C2K is working with our community representatives to minimize the educational disruption and facilitate the continuity of learning.

10 Things About Tammy Hershfield & Computers to Kids San Diego


#1 I grew up in Rock Island, Illinois

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#2 I think it is important for everyone to have empathy.

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#3 Everyone should see Africa before they die!

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#4 We have a 15-year-old Golden Doodle named Zoe.

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#5 Most people do not know that I wrote a screenplay.

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#6 When I am having a challenging day, I do yoga, exercise or meditate.

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#7 COVID-19 is what has surprised me most in life.

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#8 Giving back is far greater than receiving. In these challenging times I see it now more than ever how people are stepping up.

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#9 My husband came home from work one day in 1995 and asked if I would move with our three children – a daughter five years old and twin boys 2 ½ – to Moscow, Russia. It was definitely a third world country then with very few resources and very, very cold. It turned out to be 3 ½ of the best years of our lives!

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#10 COVID -19 has placed an enormous need, due to school closures, for computers to be in the homes of everyone in need. Our phones are ringing off the hook daily! We now have a queue of 4,000 children and families. Colleges, children, military, homeless shelters and more all need computers immediately. Financial donations would be greatly appreciated along with any computer donations. We take all equipment working or not.

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Computers 2 San Diego Kids
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Esteban Villanueva