10 Things About Mary Levin &
Live Source


Live Source technology powers fundraising

Covid has required nonprofits to come up with new ways of fundraising to replace the lost dollars from in-person events. Mary Levin founded Live Source to give donors and charities an opportunity to connect through online auctions. By moving auctions online, nonprofits are also able to reach bidders outside of their geographical area. Live Source’s software is fast and easy-to-use, it is intuitive and supports all major operating systems. Live Source provides the tools so nonprofits can control their market and donor experience. From set-up to training, Live Source provides 24/7 support service to ensure that the auctions are successful. Live Source handles the heavy lifting of hosting auctions and collecting payments and best of all, there are no exorbitant brokers fees, so it is affordable, even for the smallest of nonprofits!

10 Things About Mary Levin & Live Source

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#1 I grew up in San Diego.


#2 If I could live anywhere other than San Diego, I would choose New York City – my husband and I both went to NYU and love and miss the City!


#3 In addition to launching LiveSource, I am a Registered Dental Hygienist and love helping people care for their oral health.


#4 One of my favorite quotes is from Tiffany Pham, the Founder of Mogul:

“When I look back to my younger self, I would tell myself to be confident first and foremost, to believe in myself, before anyone else because if I believe in myself, then others will too. It’s about believing in your goals and what you are passionate about, and from that, others will become passionate about it too.”


#5 We are a little pet crazy in this house. We have 2 Australian Shepherd brothers who are 12 (Brady Quinn Jr and Carson Palmer Jr, after a couple of our favorite football players). We have a Golden Doodle named Alfie and a crazy little black cat named Rose.

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#6 I am a morning person – I love a good 5 am Peloton ride before my three boys wake up!


#7 I love jumping horses and hope to be able to do more of it once my kids get a little older.


#8 If I have 30 minutes of free time, I do my Peloton or cuddle our animals!


#9 If I could write a law that everyone had to obey, I would want everyone to be gracious.


#10 LiveSource has served as the online auction and fundraising platform for more than 5,000 fundraising events nationwide. If you want your supporters to be able to bid on an auction or buy a raffle ticket online or on their phones, LiveSource is a proven, affordable, San Diego-based option.

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Esteban Villanueva