30th Anniversary Gingerbread City Gala: Celebrating Community and Progress Against Epilepsy

Tom and mellie winfield with caroline and llloyd de llamas

The Epilepsy Foundation of San Diego County hosted the 30th Anniversary Gingerbread City Gala. This festive, annual event featured the nationally recognized gingerbread competition, live and silent auctions, interactive museum exhibits, in addition to a dinner and awards program. Epilepsy Foundation of San Diego County is leading the fight to overcome challenges of living with epilepsy and to accelerate therapies to stop seizures, find cures and save lives.

Epilepsy Foundation del Condado de San Diego llevó adelante la 30° edición de su gala Gingerbread City. Este evento anual de las fiestas incluye la tan esperada y renombrada competencia de panes de jengibre, acompañada de una subasta silenciosa, exhibiciones interactivas del museo y una cena con premiaciones. Epilepsy Foundation del Condado de San Diego lidera la lucha contra los desafíos que presenta el convivir con la epilepsia, buscando nuevas terapias para detener los ataques, encontrar curas y salvar vidas.


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Esteban Villanueva