San Ysidro Health Opens South Bay Pediatrics Clinic in Chula Vista

Art Mejia Clay Rempe and Ray Kamali

San Ysidro Health held a ribbon cutting ceremony in honor of its newest clinic, South Bay Pediatrics in Chula Vista, and is now ready to cater to the needs of your little ones. From nurturing newborns to supporting growing toddlers, they are here to provide compassionate and comprehensive care every step of the way. Together, they are building healthier and stronger communities. The reception was topped off with a visit from a Taco truck to the delight of all!


San Ysidro Health llevó adelante la ceremonia de inauguración de su nueva clínica South Bay Pediatrics ubicada en Chula Vista donde los más pequeñitos serán atendidos de manera integral, acompañándolos en su crecimiento y así construir comunidades más fuertes y sanas. ¡La recepción culminó con un exquisito puesto callejero de tacos para deleite de todos!

Grand Opening of South Bay Pediatrics Clinic – Event Highlights

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Esteban Villanueva