Shining Stars

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Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary recently held their annual Artistry of Tables and Fashion luncheon event to benefit The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center. Tables were elegantly decorated by each table host for the enjoyment of attendees and honorees. Recent graduates of the Adult Rehabilitation Center strutted down the runway in hand-picked fashionable outfits while sharing their motivational stories of recovery. The event also provided an opportunity to announce the twelve incredible women to be honored at the 2022 Women of Dedication Luncheon which takes place on April 1st.

Recientemente, el Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary llevó a cabo su almuerzo anual, Artistry of Tables and Fashion, a beneficio del Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center. Las mesas fueron elegantemente decoradas por cada anfitriona para el deleite de los invitados y de las homenajeadas. Los últimos graduados del Adult Rehabilitation Center desfilaron alegremente por la pasarela en especialmente elegidos atuendos y compartieron al pasar sus motivadoras historias de recuperación. El evento también brindó la oportunidad de anunciar a las doce destacadas mujeres que serán honradas en el 2022 durante el Women of Dedication Luncheon el 1° de abril del 2022.

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Esteban Villanueva