Angels of Trafficking Awards

Shurene Premo Trish Martinez Armando Telles Marjorie Saylor and Mona Rios

For over 20 years, The Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition has been taking a stand against human trafficking. This year, they celebrated their 10th Annual Freedom Breakfast Angels of Trafficking Awards, during which they recognized those who have been leaders in fighting human trafficking and looked toward the future by sharing their vision for 2020.

Photographed by: Rosario Heer

Desde hace más de 20 años Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition viene haciéndole frente al tráfico de personas. Este año celebraron el 10° aniversario de su Annual Freedom Breakfast Angels of Trafficking Awards, en la cual se reconoció a quienes han liderado la lucha contra el tráfico de personas y aprovecharon el momento para compartir sus proyectos para el 2020.


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Esteban Villanueva