“You can spend all your time making money, you can spend all your love making time….”
– “Take It To The Limit” by the Eagles
The Alzheimer’s Association leads the way to end Alzheimer’s and all other dementia – by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support. James Brewer, M.D., Ph.D. is a Board Member and Chair of the Medical Scientific Committee for Alzheimer’s Association San Diego/Imperial Chapter.
#1 I spent my elementary and junior high years in Hebron, Nebraska – a small farming community of less than 2000 people. Then, I moved to Springfield, Missouri in the Ozarks for High School and College.
#2 I have a wonderful rescue dog named Moti (short for Mordechai or Motek- Hebrew for sweetie). I have three daughters, so I insisted on the dog being a boy and we are great buddies. He gets the newspaper for me every morning.
#3 I can stop a fan blade with my tongue (long story).
#4 It is on my bucket list to learn to fly. Or parachuting… or both, but hopefully not related.
#5 My wife and daughter just visited Antarctica with my mother-in-law. Their pictures are incredible, and they are still gushing about it, so it is probably going to be something on the list, once we can replenish the travel budget.
#6 I met my wife in Israel, and she, like many Israelis, is an avid traveler, so we have traveled all over together.
#7 Bill Jagust, a neurologist at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, was an early mentor and has always been a great advocate for me. I was only a sophomore in college when I joined his lab and worked to obtain early brain images of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. I am still building on that work that we did together.
#8 My earliest experiences working with patients and families afflicted by Alzheimer made a lasting impression on me. I decided to dedicate my career and life to moving the field forward, and UC San Diego was the undisputed ideal place to pursue this work. This evolved to my leading the Shiley-Marcos Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center and we have an incredibly close relationship with the Alzheimer’s Association and its local San Diego/Imperial County chapter.
#9 The Alzheimer’s Association currently funds more than $14 million in research toward a cure in San Diego County alone!
#10 Money raised from the “Walk to End Alzheimer’s” helps fund Alzheimer’s Association educational programs, support groups, and research toward a cure.
Alzheimer’s Association, San Diego/Imperial Chapter
Walk to End Alzheimer’s
SD North County Walk: September 24, 2022 Kit Carson Park, Escondido
San Diego Walk: October 8, 2022, NTC Park, Point Loma, San Diego
Imperial County Walk: November 19, 2022, Bucklin Park, El Centro
Times vary; check website for specific times.