10 Things About Carter and Rady Children’s Hospital

Introa 3

Trust and believe…

When six-year-old Carter was diagnosed with leukemia, he went through a six month treatment program at Rady Children’s Hospital. The Rady’s staff went to great lengths to ensure that Carter received the best care possible. As a result of having the best team possible, Carter was declared cancer-free in June but will continue a maintenance program until April of 2022.

10 Things About Carter and Rady Children’s Hospital

#1. My parents grew up in Point Loma where we live. My Aunt, Uncle, Cousin and both of my grandparents live in Point Loma too; I love having my family live close to me.

#2. Recess is my favorite because I like to play with my friends and art is my favorite class because I like painting.

#3. I really love sports, especially football. One cool thing is I was able to meet Keenan Allen at a Chargers game this year.

#4. I have a rescue dog named Lulu; she is really cute and loves to cuddle.

Santos Family Session
#5. My mom said that she took me to the doctor because I had a high fever. My mom also noticed little red dots on my legs which is a sign of low platelets. And the week before, I was complaining of being too tired.

#6. Advice from my Mom Nicole: Lean on family, friends and the community even though accepting help feels hard. We don’t know how we could have managed the last year without the support of so many amazing people.

#7. Carter’s Mom shared: I don’t know that anything could have prepared us for our son being diagnosed with cancer. The morning I took Carter to the pediatrician, I called my husband Jason and told him I felt like something was wrong; he said to trust my gut and take him in. I think honoring that gut feeling we get as a parent is really important.

#8. Carter’s Mom shared: This year has been full of challenges and hard days. Keeping visits from family and friends and sporting events on the calendar for Carter to look forward to, helped motivate Carter to stay on his meds and get the rest he needed.  Managing the chemo and treatments can be exhausting; we looked to friends and experiences to keep him fighting.

#9. Carter’s Mom shared: There have been many beautiful moments in these terrible circumstances.  Over and over again, Carter has watched video messages from his heroes to remind him he is loved and inspiring others.

#10. Carter’s Mom also shared: This diagnosis has affected our whole family. Josie and Payton have been incredible sisters. They have put their brother first – loving on him and sacrificing so much of themselves.  As parents, this was an incredible thing to witness.

Rady Children’s Hospital
111th Annual Charity Ball
Saturday, February 29, 2020
6:30 pm – Midnight
Hotel del Coronado

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Esteban Villanueva