Youth Philanthropy Council

James farrell kabir sheth and cami farrell

The Youth Philanthropy Council, a group of dedicated young people in San Diego dedicated to helping others, recently hosted a shoe drive. The drive helped provide a pair of shoes to children staying in Father Joe’s Villages Transitional Housing Program for families ensuring that the children Father Joe’s Villages serve can put their best foot forward as we help them build a brighter future.

El Consejo Juvenil Filantrópico, un grupo de comprometidos jóvenes de San Diego que se dedican a ayudar al prójimo, recientemente llevaron a cabo una colecta de zapatos para los niños del programa familiar de Hogares de Transito de Father Joe´s Villages, asegurando así que los niños de Father Joe Villages puedan dar un paso seguro hacia un futuro mejor.

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Esteban Villanueva