Springtime Delight: The Country Friends’ Annual Spring Luncheon

Carol mciver kelly sharp and annette conway

The Country Friends kicked off springtime with its annual Spring Luncheon. Local boutique shopping amid vendor partners with beautiful and elaborate booths delighted all the women in attendance. The event also included remarks from a special guest speaker and social time with friends. Since it was founded in 1954, The Country Friends has donated nearly $15 million to causes which benefit women, children, the elderly, military families and the disabled.


Country Friends dio comienzo a la primavera con su tradicional Spring Luncheon que contó con compras de boutiques locales entre socios vendedores con elaborados y hermosos puestos que hicieron las delicias de las presentes. El evento también incluyó comentarios a cargo de una oradora especial y tiempo para compartir entre amigas. Desde su fundación en 1954, el Country Friends lleva donado casi $15 millones a causas que benefician a mujeres, niños, personas mayores, familias de militares y discapacitados.

Gallery Highlights from The Country Friends’ Annual Spring Luncheon

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Esteban Villanueva