Silver Linings

Alexis maness

2020 proved to be a challenging year for everyone, but at GB Magazine, we reflected on some of our blessings that came out of the year. Here is what some of our Team members had to share.

I am most grateful for my family members who graciously give their time and resources to care for me when I am sick, who support my passions, and believe my business endeavors. I look forward to sharing the good deeds and events that Giving Back Magazine has to offer in the community!

Sherdellah Anunciado, Designer

What I am most thankful about this year is that together with my son, we were able to reconnect via Zoom with family and friends back home in Argentina and share part of our lives that normally we would not be able to. I am looking forward to 2021 to get out and take more photos

Rosario Heer, Photographer

Reflecting on 2020, I am most grateful for my health, amazing job, supportive family and friends, and the ability to slow down and appreciate the simple things in life. As 2021 approaches, I am looking forward to getting more involved in my community and hopefully getting to do some more exploring.

Alexis Maness, Editor

While 2020 was a year that tested my patience (and my sanity), I am thankful for every single second I got to spend with loved ones, whether virtually or in-person. I am also grateful for all the memories past, and for the prospect of better ones to come – and I am hopeful that will be 2021.

Nichole Naoum, Writer

Thank you! As we all begin a new year, I want to thank you. I am so grateful to all our clients, partners, and readers for your continued support! I have been deeply moved by the community’s kindness and the power of the human heart. Peace to you and your families.

Danitza Villanueva, Publisher

I know it sounds cliché, but I am grateful for my health. The pandemic constantly reminds me of how fragile life is and how quickly it can change. I look forward to the day in 2021 when I can eat in restaurants, go to concerts, and hug friends and family.

Lori Walton, Philanthropy Editor

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Esteban Villanueva