Celebrating Champions of Foster Care: Voices for Children’s Annual Judges’ Luncheon

Annie chodorow sally harvey kristi pfister and holly brown

Voices for Children’s Annual Judges’ Luncheon recognized judges, donors, and community partners for their extraordinary support of the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program. The event also recognized the San Diego Superior Court Juvenile Division judges who oversee the dependency cases involving the community’s children in foster care.


El almuerzo anual de jueces de Voices for Children es la ocasión donde se realiza un reconocimiento al extraordinario apoyo de los jueces, donantes y socios comunitarios al programa especial CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate). También se destacó la labor de los jueves de la División Juvenil de la Corte Suprema de San Diego, quienes supervisan los casos relacionados con los niños en situación de guarda.

Gallery of Voices for Children’s Annual Judges’ Luncheon

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Esteban Villanueva