Annual Jaguar Awards Luncheon Honors Ray Brock at SWC Foundation

Arnulfo manriquez nora vargas and ted martinez jr

The Southwestern College Foundation hosted the annual Jaguar Awards Luncheon honoring Ray Brock, to recognize those making a difference in our community. As guests arrived, they were greeted by a 1952 Jaguar displayed from the San Diego Automotive Museum. The Southwestern College Foundation exists to support Southwestern College, its students, and their campus community. Through community partnerships, alumni connections, and donors who want to make a difference, the SWC Foundation helps students achieve their goals.


Southwestern College Foundation llevó adelante su almuerzo anual de los premios Jaguar, en homenaje a Ray Brock y a quienes hacen la diferencia en nuestra comunidad. Mientras los invitados iban llegando, un Jaguar 1952 perteneciente al Museo del Automóvil de San Diego, los recibía en la entrada. Southwestern College Foundation existe con el fin de apoyar al Southwestern College, sus estudiantes y a la comunidad del campus. Por medio de asociaciones con la comunidad, conexiones de exalumnos y donantes que quieren hacer la diferencia, es que SWC Foundation logra ayudar a que los estudiantes logren sus objetivos.

Highlights from the Jaguar Awards Luncheon

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Esteban Villanueva