Cal Coast Cares Foundation

Gulliver and the gulls girls

Teeing off for student and teacher success! The Cal Coast Cares Foundation, established by California Coast Credit Union, recently hosted the 5th Annual Cal Coast Cares Foundation Charity Golf Tournament at Fairbanks Ranch Country Club. The tournament benefitted local students and teachers through the Cal Coast Cares Foundation. The Foundation also directly impacts countless classrooms through educator grants geared towards projects in STREAM.

¡Golfeando en pos del éxito de alumnos y docentes! La Fundación Cal Coast, iniciada por California Coast Credit Union, recientemente llevó a cabo su 5º Torneo anual solidario de Golf en el Fairbanks Ranch Country Club. El torneo es a beneficio de los estudiantes y docentes locales a los que asiste Cal Coast Cares Foundation, quien también impacta de manera directa en innumerables clases por medio de subvenciones otorgadas gracias a los proyectos de STREAM.

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Esteban Villanueva