Bike For Humanity

Electric waste band 2

Bike For Humanity Founder, Bill Walton and the amazing Electric Waste Band hosted a concert fundraiser at the Aquarius Bar and Grill where guests enjoyed great music, raffle prizes including a signed, hand-painted guitar as they danced the night away. It was also a celebration for Bill’s Birthday! All money raised goes towards Bikes 4 Kidz which gives bicycles to kids in need.

El fundador de Bike for Humanity, Bill Walton, junto a la increíble Electric Waste Band, organizaron un concierto a beneficio en el Aquarius Bar and Grill, donde los invitados disfrutaron de excelente música, rifas con fantásticos premios como una guitarra pintada a mano y autografiada y el poder bailar la noche entera, ¡y festejando el cumpleaños de Bill! Lo recaudado se destina a Bikes 4 Kidz, que se dedica a entregar bicicletas a niños necesitados.

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Esteban Villanueva