At the Heart of the Center: San Diego Center’s Celebration

Eric allen pam stehly patty allen and neil stehly

A first-of-its-kind Anniversary Celebration took place at San Diego Center for Children’s main campus. The event featured dinner-by-the-bite with specialty cocktails, live auction and inspiring performances from the youth. They thanked sponsors such as Southwest Airlines and recognized Rest Haven Children’s Health Fund with the 2023 PATH Award. San Diego Center for Children is one of San Diego’s most trusted resources and comprehensive behavioral health programs for youth.


En el campus principal del San Diego Center for Children, tuvo lugar una fabulosa cena liviana con cócteles especiales, subasta en vivo e inspiradoras presentaciones a cargo de los jóvenes. También se agradeció a los patrocinadores como Southwest Airlines y se hizo entrega del premio PAT 2023 al Rest Haven Children’s Health Fund. El San Diego Center for Children es uno de los más confiables e integrales recursos en cuanto a programas de salud conductual juvenil.

Event Gallery: Celebrating at the Heart of the Center

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Esteban Villanueva