Saturday, February 15, 2025

10 Things About Christine Bagley & Episcopal Community Services


Happiness is counting your blessings with love, grace and gratitude.

Episcopal Community Services (ECS) is committed to providing life-changing care for children and adults in our community who face poverty, homelessness, trauma and mental health and substance use disorders. For over 25 years, Christine Bagley has been volunteering with ECS and is currently serving on their Board.

Christine Bagley

#1 I was born in Pensacola, Florida, but attended 3 different high schools due to my Father’s job with the Navy. I am one of five children and I suggested my father call me #1 instead of “oldest”.


#2 I was “Miss Subic Bay” (Navy Base in Philippines) when I was 16.


#3 I would like to master a drop shot in tennis.


#4 I met my husband David at 19; we have been married 48 years and are thankful for our daughters, our son-in-laws and our grandchildren.


#5 I am a night owl. I told both our girls that I would stay up to watch The Tonight Show with them, but we would sleep through The Today Show.

Christine Bagley with their grandchildren

#6 If we didn’t live in San Diego, I’d like to be wherever either of our daughters’ families reside – near any of our grandchildren! I am blessed to be “Mimi” to four Lovebugs!


#7 If I have 30 minutes of free time, I work a couple pieces in a Liberty Puzzle.


#8 I wish everyone would think before they act or speak and then… make good choices!


#9 Not long ago, Tanya was homeless. Fortunately, she found housing at the ECS Uptown Safe Haven, and has been off the streets during this unprecedented pandemic. Tanya recently had a part-time job in the kitchen at Mercy Scripps Hospital where she gained job experience and learned new skills to help her ease back into the workforce. Tanya said “Right now, I am saving for my own place. I am so grateful for ECS. I am appreciative of what I have and feel like I’m doing something meaningful for myself.”


#10 Episcopal Community Services’ Making Miracles Gala will look a little different this year as we take specific precautions for the well-being of everyone. Guests who do not feel comfortable being at a physical location or those too far away to attend in person will have the option of choosing the virtual event. Our Making Miracles Gala is a key source of financial support for ECS’ high-quality therapeutic services, transitional housing, child development programs and other crucial resources to those most in need in San Diego County.

Making Miracles Hybrid Gala

Making Miracles Hybrid Gala
Saturday, April 10, 2021
5:30 -9:00 PM
Live at Coasterra or live streamed on YouTube Live

Lori Walton
Lori Walton
My love and appreciation for nonprofit work began in college when I was selected to represent UCLA’s undergraduate service organization. As a student, I didn’t have a lot of money to donate but I quickly learned that I could make an impact by giving my time. All you have to do to make a difference in someone’s life is care. For the last 30 years, San Diego has been my home. During this time, I have served on over 17 boards and chaired 27 fundraisers. No matter how much work I do with nonprofits, I am always amazed at the number of awesome causes and dedicated supporters out there. San Diego definitely has the best weather in the world but what makes San Diego America’s finest city are the people. I feel incredibly lucky and blessed to live in a city that has so many kind and selfless souls who genuinely care about making our community a better place for everyone. As Giving Back Magazine’s Philanthropy Editor, each week, I feature a hero and the causes that are creating a positive difference in our world. Always remember that philanthropy is about more than giving money, it’s about caring enough to help others who are in pain. So, go out there and make every moment count!

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